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Sustainability Careers Quiz

Find your sustainability focus.

Which area of sustainability will help you make the most impact?

Sustainability as a field is only growing but there are three core areas any climate champion should consider: policy and science, environmental education, and sustainable business. All three of these categories are critical to building a sustainable future. Where should you put your focus? And what kind of sustainability programs are available for you to develop skills in those areas?

Take the Quiz to Find Out
Change Minds

Environmental Education Master's program

A career in environmental education means changing minds through professions such as teacher, education coordinator, or non-profit leader (just to name a few). The best part? This work can be done in a variety of settings: a classroom, a rooftop or community garden, a riverbank, or a park, even.

Change the Rules

Science and policy-related sustainability programs

With an environmental master’s degree, you can work in government (global, national, state, or local), in large businesses or nonprofits, or even “outside the system” in NGOs, advocating, researching, and lobbying to change the status quo. 

Change the Game

Redefining "business as usual" with a master's in sustainable business

Within the confines of the existing rules, the business leaders of the future are building financially viable organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, that directly solve social and environmental problems.