Thinking that someone else will lead, that someone else will solve the climate crisis.

Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week
April 1-8, 2024
Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week is a global initiative sparking real dialogue on climate and justice on campuses and in communities around the world.
Solving climate requires all of us. Not just climate experts, but everyone, no matter their discipline. We need climate artists, historians, chemists, economists.
We all need to start talking about climate.
We need to move from climate despair to climate repair.
Need Ideas for Climate Events? Click here.
How can you join us?
Pledge to Make Climate a Class or Event
Plan using our Climate Ed. Resources
Plant Hope in our communities
Learn how to:
Make Climate an Art Class: Using VR for Climate Ed
April 3rd, 9 AM and 12 PM EDT
Our 2023 Impact
Our Partners
Additional Partners Include:
Association of Pacific Rim Universities, Bio4Climate,Globally - Emerging Leaders for Climate Action (ELCA), Cumulus Association, Academy of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD), Bullfrog Films, Global Climate Change Week, AASHE, NAAEE, CISNA/ISNA, Climate Fresk, GuerillaPR, California Subject Matter Project.